Digital Waste Registry
The Digital Waste Registry (DWR) enables online procedures for registration and verification in a database for companies (waste producers, transporters and waste recipients). DWR facilitates the users to fulfill their obligation of submitting annual waste report about waste use, management and disposal, so as to both hamper the uncontrolled waste distribution and help Ministry of […]
Preparation of emergency response plans for major industrial accidents
The objective of the project was the desing of emergency response plans, according to the SEVESO directive, for each industry that produces or stores dangerous substances. The major tasks in this project were: i) Recording of Seveso industries in Greece; ii) Development of a geographical database for emergency planning; and iii) Development of a custom […]
Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system – Environment statistic surveys, Romania – EuropeAid/114921/D/SV/RO
The aim of this project was the compliance of the Romanian Environmental statistics of the National Institute of Statistics (NIS) with EU, Eurostat requirements. For this purpose detailed surveys were designed for waste, water and air pollutants. An information system was also developed to perform data storage and analysis. The results of the surveys were […]
Estimation of Pollution from Static Sources (IPPC), PHARE-RO (INS)
The purpose of this project was the development of custom IT tools for: a) Environmental reporting according to the EU policy; and b) Emission inventory systems from stationary sources. The four main tasks of the project were the following: i) Development of a central database system for data storage and management; ii) Development of custom […]
Consolidation of Romanian Statistical System
The overall objective of this project was to strengthen the institutional capacity of the INS and of the statistical infrastructure, as well as to provde of a stock of reliable and comprehensive data in the statistical fields that were little approached so far, through the activities below: – Harmonising and improving the statistics on information […]
Development of Environmental GIS for the Lignite Center of West Macedonia
The aim of the project was to design and implement a Geographical Information System for the Environmental Department of the Lignite Center of Western Macedonia. In the framework of the project the following tasks were undertaken: i) Design of the geodatabase; ii) Implementation of a multi-user geodatabase in ArcGIS with ArcSDE in an Oracle RDBMS; […]
Development of a Data Management & Analysis Platform for the Hellenic Institute of Transport
The aim of the project was to develop an integrated and information system for data management and specialized applications in the section of transportations. DRAXIS was responsible for the design, the software development, and the provision of consulting services to the Hellenic Institute of Transport. For the purposes of the project a unified web interface […]
Preparation of proposals concerning the environment at the border region Greece-FYROM
The project was part of the “Development of a knowledge network of educational and research Institutes active in environmental issues for the development of a common cooperation framework, for the harmonization with EU legislation and know-how transfer” financed by INTERREG III/A and aimed at recording the present situation at the Greece –FYROM border region in […]
Analysis of the reports submitted by Member States on the implementation of Directive 96/61/EC
The project’s aim was to analyse, as a follow-up of the previous analysis, the reports submitted by Member States on the implementation of the IPPC Directive for the period 2003-2005 and provide summary fact sheets for each Member States. Furthermore, the project aimed at analysing the information submitted in the reports on representative limit values […]
Study & Development of a GIS application on advanced intelligent transportation systems
The project’s aim was to develop a Geographical Information System for the creation of a transportation management center in Cyprus. The project included, among others, the supply of the necessary IT equipment and computer software, as well as the development of a web portal which uses G.I.S. to inform the public. All aplications were developed […]