Private projects


Study & Development of a GIS application on advanced intelligent transportation systems

Study & Development of a GIS application on advanced intelligent transportation systems

Study & Development of a GIS application on advanced intelligent transportation systems

The project’s aim was to develop a Geographical Information System for the creation of a transportation management center in Cyprus. The project included, among others, the supply of the necessary IT equipment and computer software, as well as the development of a web portal which uses G.I.S. to inform the public.

All aplications were developed using the ESRI’s ArcGIS Server Application Framework.

DRAXIS was responsible for:

i) The development of a Geographical Information System: User requirements, Analysis and development of the GIS application;

ii) The supply and installation of the necessary ArcGIS software;

iii) The “Multi-Μodal Routing” application development for the city of Nicosia;

iv) The applications Installation and qualitative control of the system’s functionality;

v) The application integration with the project’s web portal and development of user interfaces between the two;

vi) The user manuals and training of the system’s users.