Use of this Web Portal (hereinafter referred to as WP) is subject to the following terms. The use of the WP is a presumption that the visitor / user has studied, understood and accepted all terms of use of the WP. In case the visitor / user does not agree with the terms of use of this site, he / she must not make use of the services and contents of the WP. These Terms of Use may be revised and updated at any time without notice. Please review the Terms of Use periodically as its continued use implies that you accept these changes.


All content of the WP, except as expressly stated (third party copyright), which – but is not limited to – includes texts, graphics, images, photo designs, videos, sounds, etc. (hereinafter referred to as copyright) is protected by DRAXIS Environmetal and is protected by applicable national, community and international law. DRAXIS Environmental reserves all copyright in the content and copies created thereunder. The content of the WP is available to its visitors / users for personal use. Content is subject to change without notice at DRAXIS Environmental’s sole discretion. Upon acceptance of the terms of use, non-commercial use and reproduction, in whole or in part, is permitted provided that the reproduced product is freely available thereafter via the Internet or other appropriate means and is accompanied by a clear and distinct reference to the source of origin. Any other use requires the express written permission of the copyright owner or holder. The other products or services listed on the web pages of this WP and bearing the marks of their respective organizations, companies, affiliates, associations or publications are their own intellectual and industrial property and are therefore responsible. Please contact info@draxis.gr for any questions regarding the copyright of any portion of the content of this WP, as well as requests for authorization of content reproduction.

User behavior

The use of the WP by users must move within the framework set by law, good faith and good morals and must be in a manner that does not restrict or prevent its use by third parties. WP users must comply with Greek, European Union rules and regulations and relevant international provisions and refrain from any unlawful and abusive conduct that may affect other users and may cause damage / malfunction to the WP. In the event of unlawful or contrary to these Terms and the applicable legal framework of conduct, the user shall be obliged to indemnify the beneficiary for any damage sustained by them.

Link to third party websites

The WP provides access to third-party websites through appropriate links. These links are intended exclusively for the convenience of visitors / users of the Website and the websites to which they refer are subject to their respective terms of use. The placement of the links is not an indication of the approval or acceptance of the content of the respective websites by the WP Administrator, who is not responsible for their content or for the privacy practices or accuracy of the materials contained therein. If the visitor / user of the WP decides to use, through its links, one of the third- party websites, he / she agrees to do so at his / her own risk.

Link Limitation of Liability clause

The content of the WP is available on an ‘as is’ basis and DRAXIS Environmental makes no warranty, explicit or not, of the completeness, correctness, up to date, commerciality, non-infringement or suitability of such content for any use, application or purpose.

DRAXIS Environmental, under any circumstances, including in the event of negligence, shall not be liable for any damage suffered by the visitor / user of the pages, services, options and contents of the WP on its own initiative and knowing these terms. Also, DRAXIS Environmental does not warrant that the pages, services, options and contents will be provided without interruption, without errors, that errors will be corrected or that any questions will be answered. Similarly, DRAXIS Environmental does not warrant that the WP or any other related website or servers through which the content is made available to visitors / users are provided without any “viruses” or other harmful components. The cost of any corrections or services is borne by the visitor / user and under no circumstances by DRAXIS Environmental’.

Web Portal Security

Access to the site is provided at the visitor’s / user’s initiative and not by DRAXIS Environmental. The visitor / user of the site is solely responsible for having the necessary equipment (e.g. personal computer), software, telecommunications equipment and any services necessary to access the site. The user is also responsible for protecting his system from viruses and other malware. DRAXIS Environmental has, as far as possible, taken all necessary security measures to protect the site from viruses and other malicious software and controls access to websites to prevent attacks and other unauthorized actions with security systems.

Personal Data

DRAXIS Environmental, with respect to personal data, complies with the GDPR in its activity and purpose and have in place the appropriate technical and organizational measures for the effective protection of personal data as provided for in the GDPR and Greek legislation. For more information, for processing your data from DRAXIS Environmental, please refer to the relevant section.

Applicable Law - Other Terms

The above terms and conditions of use of the WP, as well as any modification or alteration thereof, are governed by national law, community law and the relevant international conditions. Any provision of the above terms found to be contrary to the above legal framework or rendered invalid shall cease to apply and be hereby repealed, without prejudice to the validity of the other terms. This constitutes the entire agreement between the administrator of the WP and the visitor / user of its pages and services and only reserves them. No modification of these terms will be considered and will form part of this Agreement unless it has been formulated in writing and incorporated therein.

It is hereby expressly agreed that any disputes that may arise from the application of these terms and the general use of the WP by the visitor or its user, unless resolved amicably, are governed by Greek law and are subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Athens. Please send an email to info@draxis.gr to contact with the administrator of the WP. Also, if you have any problems with the content of the site regarding legal or ethical issues, in particular regarding its reproduction and use of copyright, please notify us at info@draxis.gr.