Private projects


Analysis of the reports submitted by Member States on the implementation of Directive 96/61/EC

Analysis of the reports submitted by Member States on the implementation of Directive 96/61/EC

Analysis of the reports submitted by Member States on the implementation of Directive 96/61/EC

The project has been implemented for the Εuropean Commission, Directorate-General for Environment

The project’s aim was to analyse, as a follow-up of the previous analysis, the reports submitted by Member States on the implementation of the IPPC Directive for the period 2003-2005 and provide summary fact sheets for each Member States. Furthermore, the project aimed at analysing the information submitted in the reports on representative limit values and assess the information in view of providing an input to the review of the BREFs on cement and lime and on iron and steel (in particular on techniques used, achieved performance, monitoring procedures, etc.). Finally, another aim was to develop a database(s) containing data, information collected, web-based query and analysis tools. This system will be available on the Commission’s website on the internet and be integrated in the future in SEIS (Shared Environmental Information System).

IPPC - Questionnaire

DRAXIS, as subcontractor to the project was responsible for:
i) The design of the System (database and application) according to the final methodology and the user needs;
ii) The IT application for Data collection from quedtionnaires;
iii) The data collection and entry.