The project was part of the “Development of a knowledge network of educational and research Institutes active in environmental issues for the development of a common cooperation framework, for the harmonization with EU legislation and know-how transfer” financed by INTERREG III/A and aimed at recording the present situation at the Greece –FYROM border region in the area of environment (water resources management, atmospheric pollution, air pollutants, solid and liquid waste management, recycling), in order to design and develop educational material and a database for education and collaboration.
DRAXIS was responsible for the surveys and more particular for the following aspects:
i) Pollution monitoring at the cross border area of FYROM;
ii) Current environmental legislation framework and constrains for FYROM;
iii) Design and development of a DB for the FYROM environmental legislation framework;
iv) Recommendations for the harmonizations of the environmental legislation of FYROM with the European Legislation;
v) Pollution assessment of the cross border area;
vi) Suggestions for pollution monitoring at the cross border area.