
The e-shape project aims to implement a coordinated and comprehensive EO data exploitation initiative through collaboration amongst the European GEO Members and Participating Organizations in order to accelerate the users’ uptake of open EO data and information for the benefit of Europe. Towards this direction, e-shape develops operational EO services with and for users active […]


CALLISTO aims to bridge the gap between the Data and Information Access Services (DIAS), platforms provided by the European Union’s Earth Observation programme Copernicus, and the users of the Copernicus data through dedicated Artificial Intelligence solutions. CALLISTO has the ambition to enable virtual presence and situational awareness in any desired area of interest, through Virtual, […]


EXHAUSTION aims to quantify the impact on health of extreme heat and air pollution, including air pollution from wildfires, provide adaptation mechanisms, and calculate the associated socio-economic costs. The project will establish exposure-response relationships for short- and long-term impacts of extreme temperature and high air pollution on health. In addition, EXHAUSTION targets to provide quantitative […]


The HOOP Project will help to unlock bio-based investments and deploy local bio economies in Europe through a systemic and cross-cutting approach.  The main objective of the project is to provide Project Development Assistance (PDA) to a group of eight lighthouse cities and city clusters in order to build their administrative, technical, economic, financial and […]


ENVISION aims to develop a ready-to-market commercial platform of services that couples cutting edge Earth Observation (EO) technology with state-of-the-art methodologies along with heterogeneous types of open data, providing Paying Agencies (PAs) and Certification Bodies (CBs) with timely cost-efficient and actionable insights for the compliance monitoring procedure of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) agri-environmental standards. […]


WairIt project aims to improve the current methodologies for monitoring of individuals’ exposure to outdoor air pollution with the use of innovative wearable sensors, advanced techniques of data integration, and methodologies of estimation of personalized air quality indices. The collected data will be made available to the individuals who carry the wearables through a mobile […]

Preparation of emergency response plans for major industrial accidents

The objective of the project was the desing of emergency response plans, according to the SEVESO directive, for each industry that produces or stores dangerous substances. The major tasks in this project were: i) Recording of Seveso industries in Greece; ii) Development of a geographical database for emergency planning; and iii) Development of a custom […]

Environmental Monitoring of the water bodies in the Prefecture of Kilkis

The subject of the specific project was the development of an Integrated System for Environmental Monitoring of the water sources in the Prefecture of Kilkis using GIS. The project included the following tasks: a) Development of an Environmental System for monitoring Water Sources; b) Supply and installation of all the necessary equipment; c) Consulting services […]

Consolidation of Romanian Statistical System

The overall objective of this project was to strengthen the institutional capacity of the INS and of the statistical infrastructure, as well as to provde of a stock of reliable and comprehensive data in the statistical fields that were little approached so far, through the activities below: – Harmonising and improving the statistics on information […]

Development of Environmental GIS for the Lignite Center of West Macedonia

The aim of the project was to design and implement a Geographical Information System for the Environmental Department of the Lignite Center of Western Macedonia. In the framework of the project the following tasks were undertaken: i) Design of the geodatabase; ii) Implementation of a multi-user geodatabase in ArcGIS with ArcSDE in an Oracle RDBMS; […]