Public projects


Environmental Monitoring of the water bodies in the Prefecture of Kilkis

Environmental Monitoring of the water bodies in the Prefecture of Kilkis

Environmental Monitoring of the water bodies in the Prefecture of Kilkis

The subject of the specific project was the development of an Integrated System for Environmental Monitoring of the water sources in the Prefecture of Kilkis using GIS.

The project included the following tasks:
a) Development of an Environmental System for monitoring Water Sources;
b) Supply and installation of all the necessary equipment;
c) Consulting services for supporting the installation of the above mentioned equipments;
d) Development of a geodatabase for the environmental data of the Prefecture;
e) System configuration and integration with specific existing back office tools; f) System maintenance and support during the pilot operation period;
g) User and System Administrator Training on using both the software applications as well as the equipment;
h) Pilot operation of the Information System;
i) Actions to publicize/advertise the project and its results for the public’s information.