
The ambition of the AirQast project is to build a one-stop portal platform that provide air quality services based on Earth Observation data. These services are updated emission inventories, advanced forecasting system, street-level air quality information, and decision making tools to manage air quality events in order to reduce their economic and societal impact. AirQast […]

Study to Map Greek Requirements and Capabilities in Earth Observation

The «Mapping of the Greek requirements and capabilities in EO» was a study that concerned the mapping of existing and emerging public sector needs and the mapping of the available industrial expertise that could be applied to ESA EO programs and the sustainable exploitation of EO data by public and private users. The study focused […]

Automatization of the Hellenic National Meteorological Service filling system

The aim of the project was to design an Integrated Information System for the automatization of the update of the meteorological database from stations all around Greece. A web application that calculates statistical meteorological indicators was also developed. DRAXIS took part in following: Study implementation; Implementation of AutoArchive software; Implementation of quality system; Expansion, adaption […]


The research project THERMOPOLIS 2009, aimed in an in-depth study of the urban heat island of Athens. The research expedition combined qualitative data collection based on geographical coordinates of hyper-spectral instruments that collect data from the air (flying aircraft), data from satellites and measurements from instruments on the ground (from fixed weather stations and mobile […]


GNORASI aimed to advance the current state of the art in research and development of knowledge-based image interpretation applications by providing a generic, modular, platform for the systematic coupling of image processing algorithms and formal knowledge. With a special focus in remote sensing, “GNORASI” aspired to make an essential contribution towards the effective analysis and […]


AeroVis Project aimed at the development of a generic, extendable visualization software for map-based visualization of long time series of air pollution and climatic data, which enables a better understanding of the urban sources of air pollution and of the effects of anthropogenic aerosols on the climate. Moreover the project determines the needs of the […]


FATIMA addresses effective and efficient monitoring and management of agricultural resources to achieve optimum crop yield and quality in a sustainable environment. It covers both ends of the scale relevant for food production, viz., precision farming and the perspective of a sustainable agriculture in the context of integrated agri-environment management. FATIMA aims at developing innovative […]


The EU policy tool for integrating environmental requirements into the Common Agricultural Policy is the Cross Compliance Scheme. EU farmers shall respect cross-compliance rules, legislative standards and obligations, in order to receive payments, but more importantly cross-compliance enhances awareness among them and helps European farming to be more compatible with the expectations of society. Farmers’ […]


APOLLO is an EU-funded innovation project aiming to develop a market-ready platform of agricultural advisory services focused primarily, but not exclusively, at smallholder farmers in Europe. The APOLLO project aims to bring the benefits of precision agriculture to farmers through affordable information services, making extensive use of free and open Earth Observation data, such as […]


The goal of AUDITOR is the implementation of novel precise-positioning techniques based on augmentation data in custom GNSS receivers to improve the performance of current augmentation services and reducing costs. These techniques are already patented by the consortium and proven to offer better accuracy with faster convergence times than solutions commercially available. More sophisticated atmospheric […]