Private projects


Study to Map Greek Requirements and Capabilities in Earth Observation

Study to Map Greek Requirements and Capabilities in Earth Observation

Study to Map Greek Requirements and Capabilities in Earth Observation

The «Mapping of the Greek requirements and capabilities in EO» was a study that concerned the mapping of existing and emerging public sector needs and the mapping of the available industrial expertise that could be applied to ESA EO programs and the sustainable exploitation of EO data by public and private users. The study focused on the determination of specific application needs and the means to cover these, and it located and specified: i) the exact end-users; ii) the available and the required EO – related expertise; and iii) the available and the required infrastructure (instrumentation, satellites, algorithms, data, etc.).

DRAXIS was responsible for: a) The design and development of a Web – Application – questionnaire, for the input of data related to Earth Observation in Greece; and b) Data collection for recorfing the needs of the orginizations related to Earth Observation Activities.