
The project aims to support the deployment of the bioeconomy in rural Africa via the development of bio-based solutions and value chains with a circular approach to drive the cascading use of local resources and diversify the income of farmers.  It focuses on transferring simple, small-scale and robust biobased technologies, which are adapted to local […]


Anaerobic digestion (AD) of organic matter is a robust technology, used for biogas synthesis from different types of waste (sewage sludge from water treatment, animal slurry, bio-waste, etc.). The main goal of AD is the production of methane, a renewable energy source that can be used to generate electricity, heat or as vehicle fuel. Biogas […]


Exploitation of agricultural waste for the production of innovative plastic materials in the light of the circular economy The main objective of AgriPlaCE is to create the necessary knowledge base in the field of plastic industry, agricultural sector and information and communications sector for the exploitation of agricultural waste for the production of secondary materials […]


Europe’s transition to a circular and climate-neutral economy is as much an environmental, economic and social necessity, as it is an opportunity for European businesses and citizens. DigiCirc aims to empower SMEs to leverage digital technology as a key enabler for innovative circular services, processes and business models. The project targets 3 strategic high-growth domains […]


WaysTUP! aims to demonstrate the establishment of new value chains for urban biowaste utilisation to produce a range of new biobased products, including food and feed ingredients, through a multi-stakeholder approach in line with circular economy. The project will showcase a portfolio of new ‘urban biowaste to biobased products’ processes starting from different feedstocks i.e. […]


ΝH3END aims to develop an innovative method of enriching and preserving mixed methanogenic populations in anaerobic bioreactors capable of fully respond to the current levels of NH3 concentrations that biogas plants in Greece operate. In addition, in order to improve the environmental footprint of biogas plants, NH3END will develop a combined modified process where the […]

Digital Waste Registry

The Digital Waste Registry (DWR) enables online procedures for registration and verification in a database for companies (waste producers, transporters and waste recipients). DWR facilitates the users to fulfill their obligation of submitting annual waste report about waste use, management and disposal, so as to both hamper the uncontrolled waste distribution and help Ministry of […]

Preparation of proposals concerning the environment at the border region Greece-FYROM

The project was part of the “Development of a knowledge network of educational and research Institutes active in environmental issues for the development of a common cooperation framework, for the harmonization with EU legislation and know-how transfer” financed by INTERREG III/A and aimed at recording the present situation at the Greece –FYROM border region in […]


The Project aims at building a temporary pilot application on productive scale in order to mine parts of existing landfills and to separate useful materials and produce suitable products (concentrates), both ferrous and non-ferrous, which can be fed into a metallurgical process. In the framework of the project DRAXIS was assigned the development of the […]


The Waste Management Authority of Eastern Macedonia–Thrace took the initiative to investigate the problem of waste management in the cross border area of Greece-Bulgaria in cooperation with regional public authorities. The main objective of the project was to accelerate the operation of the existing and under completion infrastructure for the Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management […]