ENVISION aims to develop a ready-to-market commercial platform of services that couples cutting edge Earth Observation (EO) technology with state-of-the-art methodologies along with heterogeneous types of open data, providing Paying Agencies (PAs) and Certification Bodies (CBs) with timely cost-efficient and actionable insights for the compliance monitoring procedure of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) agri-environmental standards. […]


Coastal urban development incorporates a wide range of development activities that are taking place as a result of the water element existing in the fabric of the city. This element may have different forms (i.e. a bay, a river, or a brook) but in almost all cases the surrounding area constitutes what maybe considered as […]

Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system – Environment statistic surveys, Romania – EuropeAid/114921/D/SV/RO

The aim of this project was the compliance of the Romanian Environmental statistics of the National Institute of Statistics (NIS) with EU, Eurostat requirements. For this purpose detailed surveys were designed for waste, water and air pollutants. An information system was also developed to perform data storage and analysis. The results of the surveys were […]

Estimation of Pollution from Static Sources (IPPC), PHARE-RO (INS)

The purpose of this project was the development of custom IT tools for: a) Environmental reporting according to the EU policy; and b) Emission inventory systems from stationary sources. The four main tasks of the project were the following: i) Development of a central database system for data storage and management; ii) Development of custom […]

Environmental Impact Assessment Studies Computer System, ENIASS

The project ENIASS aimed to the design and development of an Environmental Information System that would manage data, documents and information used for the Environmental Impact Assessments. The system was accompanied by a WEB GIS platform for the management and dynamic presentation of geographic data. The main objective of the specific project was to create […]


The aim of the project is the protection of environmental resources and the encouragement of local communities to participate actively in this process. Municipality of Delta and Municipality of Kavadarci have the common need for the protection of the rivers that run through their geographical area: the river of Axios and the river of Luda […]

Update of air quality mapping through the use of emmission inventories & mathematical models

The purpose of the project is to create a cartographic mapping of atmospheric pollution in accordance with the requirements of Directives 96/62/EU on “Ambient air quality assessment and management” and other directives on limit values of individual pollutants. The technical description of the project includes the following tasks: Country division into zones and agglomerations. Specification […]

Digital Environmental Registry

Digital Environmental Registry – DER originates from a European funded project under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, which has been adapted to provide an operational permitting tool for the Greek Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change. DERs’ main objective is to optimize the environmental permitting processes by transforming the current […]


The project ICME (Integrated Coastal Monitoring of Environmental Problems in Sea Region and the Ways of Their Solution) aims at developing innovative tools for the monitoring and management of sea regions with pilot implementation in four countries (Greece, Georgia, Armenia and Turkey). In Greece, the study is focused in Thermaikos Gulf area with a twofold […]