Virtual Hackathon
The project aims to facilitate adaptation to distance learning and virtual activities, to create collaboration opportunities among students from different countries (in a virtual environment), to promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Just Transition, and to help students develop soft skills. To this end, the project will design and develop the training plan and […]
Carpo is an Agrometeorological Web Reporting and Prognostic System developed by DRAXIS for the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and is funded by UNDP. The system is utilizing observations from a local network of agrometeorological stations to produce pest and disease forecasts for different crop types, […]
STEP is a digital web Platform (available also as a mobile app) enabling youth Societal and Political e-Participation in decision-making procedures concerning environmental issues. The STEP platform brings together several ideas and technologies with the goal to engage Young European Citizens and Public Authorities in decision making about environmental strategies, policies, plans, programmes, laws, and […]
Digital Waste Registry
The Digital Waste Registry (DWR) enables online procedures for registration and verification in a database for companies (waste producers, transporters and waste recipients). DWR facilitates the users to fulfill their obligation of submitting annual waste report about waste use, management and disposal, so as to both hamper the uncontrolled waste distribution and help Ministry of […]
Coastal urban development incorporates a wide range of development activities that are taking place as a result of the water element existing in the fabric of the city. This element may have different forms (i.e. a bay, a river, or a brook) but in almost all cases the surrounding area constitutes what maybe considered as […]
eEnviPer is an integrated web-based platform for the application, administration and consultation of environmental permits. By making the environmental permits process more transparent, accessible and efficient, eEnviPer helps to reduce the environmental impact of economic activities through the environmental permits process in a cost-effective manner. n 2012-2014, eEnviPer set-up and tested its existing multi-purpose cloud […]
ENORASIS offers an irrigation management Decision Support System (ENORASIS Service Platform and Components) for environmentally optimised and thus sustainable irrigation management for farmers and water management organizations. ENORASIS is a server based system that gathers data from satellite observations and remote sensing field equipment and exploits meteorological forecasting models to provide high spatial accuracy estimations […]
Digital Environmental Registry
Digital Environmental Registry – DER originates from a European funded project under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, which has been adapted to provide an operational permitting tool for the Greek Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change. DERs’ main objective is to optimize the environmental permitting processes by transforming the current […]