Development of a G.I.S. application for the Cyprus Agricultural Payments Organisation

The aim of the project was the development of custom tools in the ArcGIS environment to support the work of the Cyprus Agricultural Payments Organisation (CAPO) GIS experts. The tools facilitated the organization data workflow and reporting. The application was developed as add-on to the ArcGIS Desktop platform. In addition, a security platform was also […]


The general objective of the project was the development of shared methodologies and the application of demonstrative and innovative interventions towards the integrated management of water resources in rural areas, to move toward sustainable development models framed by EU legislation. The main goals were to give concrete answers to the problem of water consumption and […]


In the light of the real need to practically improve the environmental performance of viticulture and prevent the misuse of pesticide and chemical fertilizers, soil erosion and their effects on water quality, the overall aim of GREEN VINEYARD is to develop an innovative approach that integrates Precision Agriculture (PA) technologies and Integrated Crop Management (ICM) […]


FATIMA addresses effective and efficient monitoring and management of agricultural resources to achieve optimum crop yield and quality in a sustainable environment. It covers both ends of the scale relevant for food production, viz., precision farming and the perspective of a sustainable agriculture in the context of integrated agri-environment management. FATIMA aims at developing innovative […]


turn2bio is a combination of an online market place and a library tool on organic food, which was created so as to bring together organic farmers and consumers who are looking for certified organic products. turn2bio introduces customers to a new shopping experience. Through the turn2bio online market organic producers can sell their products directly […]


The EU policy tool for integrating environmental requirements into the Common Agricultural Policy is the Cross Compliance Scheme. EU farmers shall respect cross-compliance rules, legislative standards and obligations, in order to receive payments, but more importantly cross-compliance enhances awareness among them and helps European farming to be more compatible with the expectations of society. Farmers’ […]


APOLLO is an EU-funded innovation project aiming to develop a market-ready platform of agricultural advisory services focused primarily, but not exclusively, at smallholder farmers in Europe. The APOLLO project aims to bring the benefits of precision agriculture to farmers through affordable information services, making extensive use of free and open Earth Observation data, such as […]


The goal of AUDITOR is the implementation of novel precise-positioning techniques based on augmentation data in custom GNSS receivers to improve the performance of current augmentation services and reducing costs. These techniques are already patented by the consortium and proven to offer better accuracy with faster convergence times than solutions commercially available. More sophisticated atmospheric […]