Update of air quality mapping through the use of emmission inventories & mathematical models

The purpose of the project is to create a cartographic mapping of atmospheric pollution in accordance with the requirements of Directives 96/62/EU on “Ambient air quality assessment and management” and other directives on limit values of individual pollutants. The technical description of the project includes the following tasks: Country division into zones and agglomerations. Specification […]

Digital Environmental Registry

Digital Environmental Registry – DER originates from a European funded project under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, which has been adapted to provide an operational permitting tool for the Greek Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change. DERs’ main objective is to optimize the environmental permitting processes by transforming the current […]


The project ICME (Integrated Coastal Monitoring of Environmental Problems in Sea Region and the Ways of Their Solution) aims at developing innovative tools for the monitoring and management of sea regions with pilot implementation in four countries (Greece, Georgia, Armenia and Turkey). In Greece, the study is focused in Thermaikos Gulf area with a twofold […]


The Waste Management Authority of Eastern Macedonia–Thrace took the initiative to investigate the problem of waste management in the cross border area of Greece-Bulgaria in cooperation with regional public authorities. The main objective of the project was to accelerate the operation of the existing and under completion infrastructure for the Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management […]


ADRIATIC-ROUTE aims at promoting cultural, gastronomic and other alternative forms of tourism in the surrounding countries of the Adriatic Sea basin through the use of multimodal transport systems. The ultimate goal is to increase mobility in the participating regions for thematic tourism purposes, while at the same time promoting accessibility from one region / country […]