The project aimed to create the appropriate innovative tools to promote ecotourism in these ecologically sensitive areas. By sharing the common characteristics and the exchange of know-how between the stakeholders, NATOUR aimed to seize the opportunity of promoting ecotourism and in the same time preserving the natural resources of the area. The overall objectives of […]


PEOPLE project aimed to speed up the uptake of smart cities through the rapid implementation, deployment and take-up of innovative internet-based services to allow developed cities to tackle their main current challenges and future ones concerning quality of life. This was enabled by designing and implementing user-driven open innovation methodologies and processes. During the project’s […]


The AutoNest project addresses the need for effective monitoring of water resources and the improvement of water related policies in respond to the WFD implementation in the riverbasin of Nestos/Mesta. The overall objective of this strategic project is to develop an operational supportive mechanism for the Competent Authorities of water management in Bulgaria and Greece […]

Sustainable management of water resources to safeguarding drinking water

The project aims to highlight the rich aquifer systems in the cross border area of Greece-Italy and to seek state-of-the-art methods for their protection. The main benefit of the implementation of the programme is the rehabilitation of contaminated groundwater and of the natural environment, optimizing the monitoring network of water basin and the optimal management of […]

Navigation & tour system in Metsovo Municipality

The project aimed in the development of an integrated automatic navigation and guiding system in Metsovo by leveraging the features of the GPS satellite system. This application acts as a touristic guide which provides real time multilingual information to the visitors of Metsovo. Using their mobile devises, tourists are be able to use detailed maps […]

Citizen Time

The purpose of this project is the enhancement of the active citizen’s participation through the development of an integrated e-participation system. Using the latest technologies this ICT platform provides citizens with the services below: – Audiovisual Interaction and Public Participation, called debate with the Mayor – “Citizen Time”, that enables the participation of citizens in […]


In the light of the real need to practically improve the environmental performance of viticulture and prevent the misuse of pesticide and chemical fertilizers, soil erosion and their effects on water quality, the overall aim of GREEN VINEYARD is to develop an innovative approach that integrates Precision Agriculture (PA) technologies and Integrated Crop Management (ICM) […]


CHORUS is a technological Cluster operating in the fields of Clean Energy, Clean Tech and Circular Economy. The CHORUS Clean Energy Cluster brings together companies and research entities in order to establish an arsenal of renewable and zero / low carbon footprint technologies, transformable into innovative, integrated products and solutions for the global Clean Energy […]


CYCLECITIES aims to carry out transfers of experience and exchanges of good practice among European cities, as well as to build up a knowledge capital supporting the integration of cycling into urban mobility management schemes for improving traffic conditions and city environments. In the framework of the project DRAXIS implemented the report: 4.1.2: “Gains and […]