

AQ-Hub is a State-of-the-Art Software Infrastructure Seamlessly Collecting, Managing, and Delivering Air Quality related Geospatial Data,
IoT Measurements, and Services.

Empowering AIR QUALITY Geospatial Data Management and Integration with Innovative Simplicity

AQ-Hub is a complete service infrastructure developed by DRAXIS that enables the collection, management and provision of air quality related geospatial data, high quality services and easy to use applications. The innovative solution that AQ-Hub offers is to provide developers a centralized integration layer for acquiring air pollution parameters and ML  air quality models based on weather and air quality data that can be easily adapted to any third-party system they develop. AQ-Hub exposes a RESTful API, through which third-party (web and mobile) applications can access a plethora of air quality-related variables. The API interface encapsulates the complexity EO data management, forecasting and decision support algorithms, offering an easy to integrate environment for the external clients . AQ-Hub is currently integrated with multiple DRAXIS’ operational AQ platforms like Envi4All and HackAIR.

The HackAir app which is offered upon the AQ-Hub

An indicative list of data offered by AQ-Hub:

open data

Official open data from ground-based air quality monitoring stations all around the globe.


Measurements from IoT networks and sensors.

Model simulations

Model simulations and forecast with assimilation of satellite data from Copernicus European EO program and ground-based measurements.

Crowdsourcing data

Crowdsourcing data through subjective perceptions of citizens and major social media platforms.

An indicative list of services offered by AQ-Hub are:


Real-time air quality information. Easy-to-understand information on the current air quality over a wide range of locations globally.

Air pollution trends

Air pollution trends estimated by long-term time-series data that are generated both by measurements from official ground-based stations and environmental sensors with varying frequencies, leading to streams that may either follow a well-established format (i.e. XML or JSON) or be totally custom.


OpenAQ data, Luftdaten sensor data & Copernicus regional air quality forecast data.


3-day high resolution regional air pollution forecasts produced by scientifically validated meteorological model coupled with chemistry.


The provided AQIs are innovative Air Quality Indices that take into account human specific sensitivities and interests. Their design is based on existing global and European health and air quality standards and on epidemiological studies.


Personalized index & recommendations related to the human exposure to air quality in a variety of interest groups.


Interactive map vizualization of all the collected (e.g. crowdsourcing data) and estimated data.

AQ-HUB in summary provides:

  • Real-time air quality information. Easy-to-understand information on the current air quality over a wide range of locations globally.
  • Air pollution trends estimated by long-term time-series data that are generated both by measurements from official ground-based stations and environmental sensors with varying frequencies, leading to streams that may either follow a well-established format (i.e. XML or JSON) or be totally custom.
  • Copernicus regional air quality forecast data.
  • 3-day high resolution regional air pollution forecasts produced by scientifically validated meteorological model coupled with chemistry.
  • A significant number of Air Quality Indices (AQIs) such as Envi4All index. The latter is an innovative Air Quality Index that takes into account human specific sensitivities and interests. Its design is based on existing global and European health and air quality standards and on epidemiological studies.
  • Personalized index & recommendations related to the human exposure to air quality.
  • Interactive map vizualization of all the collected (e.g. crowdsourcing data) and estimated data.

Unveiling the Power of our API Interface

The API (Application Programming Interfaces) interface hides the complex processing steps, details and computations of the above services by exposing a list of meaningful RESTful API resources to interact with, offering an all-in-one solution and easy way for integration with other systems.

A screenshot of the AQ-Hub API documentation